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linolenic acid 【化學】亞麻酸。


It is abundant in linolenic acid , linoleic acid and various kinds of amide acids , vitamins and enzyme and biological active substances , which could strengthen the power of carrying oxygen of erythrocyte , promote blood and oxygen supply , improve tissue metabolism , facilitate cell regeneration and reinforce immunity 內含豐富的亞麻酸、亞油酸及多種氨基酸、維生素、酶和生物活性物質,能增加紅細胞載氧功率,促進供血供氧,改善組織代謝,促進細胞再生,增強免疫力。

In yi heng there are essential unsaturated fatty - acid and linolenic acid , which inhibit neutral fat to synthesize inside liver , and impel them to move to the blood - stream , thus ensuring the physical function of liver , a very important organ which maintains sugar level in blood stable so as to push blood sugar down 胰衡藥物成份中還含有不飽和的脂肪酸,亞麻酸,抑制了中性脂肪在肝內合成,促使中性脂肪移向血流。因而也就保證了肝臟這一維持血中葡萄糖恒定的重要器官的生理功能,以期達到降低血糖目的。

Natural resources , separation and purification , analysis , biological activities and applications of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( pufa ) - linoleic acid , linolenic acid , arachidonic acid , eicosapentaenoic acid , docosahexaenoic acidwere reviewed in this paper 摘要對多不飽和脂肪酸亞油酸、亞麻酸、花生四烯酸、二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸的生物資源、分離分析方法、生物活性和應用前景等五個方面進行了綜述。

The general heritabilities were the main parts of heritabilities for palmitic acids content and oleic acids content , but the interaction were more important for stearic , linolenic and linolenic acids contents 亞麻酸含量是以基因的加性效應和加性環境互作效應為主,棕櫚酸含量、硬脂酸含量、油酸含量和亞油酸含量以基因的顯性和顯性環境互作效應為主。

Jasmonates ( jas ) are a new class of plant hormones , which synthesize from linolenic acid via an octadecanoid pathway in planta . they play important role in plant growth and development as well as in plant defense 茉莉素是由-亞麻酸起始合成的一類新的植物內源激素,對植物的生長發育和抗逆性等都起著重要的作用。

Eating fish or their oils will by pass the first two steps of conversion stage of alpha - linolenic acid as illustrated in the above diagram , to provide dha and epa Dha能使腦細胞活性化,對于老人癡呆癥, dha不但能使癥狀不再惡化,同時,還有改善癥狀的功能。

Linolenic acid an unsaturated 18 - carbon fatty acid occurring commonly in plants as the glyceryl ester , for example in linseed oil and poppy - seed oil 亞麻酸:一種常見18 -碳不飽和脂肪酸,常以甘油脂的形式存在于植物中,如在亞麻籽油和罌粟籽油中。

The main selection response components were from embryo general response and / or interaction response for linolenic acid content 在互作狹義遺傳率中,油酸含量和亞麻酸含量以胚互作狹義遺傳率為主,亞油酸含量以母體植株互作遺傳率為主。

For the general heritability , maternal and cytoplasm heritabilities were the main components for palmitic , oleic and linolenic acids contents 棕櫚酸含量和油酸含量是以普通狹義遺傳率為主。

Fame . fat and oil derivatives - fatty acid methyl esters - determination of ester and linolenic acid methyl ester contents 脂肪和油的衍生物.脂肪酸甲基酯

Fame . fat and oil derivatives - fatty acid methyl esters - determination of ester and linolenic acid methyl ester contents 脂肪和油的衍生物.脂肪酸甲酯

Gamma - linolenic acid is mother s milk helps develop babies mental and vision development 亞麻酸gla是母乳的重要營養素,主要幫助嬰兒智力和視力發育。

Experimental study on the effect of linolenic acid on enhancement of mice ' s immune function 亞麻酸對小鼠免疫功能影響的實驗研究

Linolenic acid methylester 亞麻酸甲酯

Study of separation - linolenic acid from bunge pricklyash seed using winterization method 亞麻酸的冬化工藝正交設計與研究

Breeding of highly productive - linolenic acid mutant strain of mortierella ramanniance 亞麻酸高產突變株的選育